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KC Resource
Research, School Policies and Procedures, Teaching and Learning
Following discussions within Prizmah’s Head of School Reshet regarding the adjustments and planning processes that schools are undertaking for their annual Israel trip amidst the conflict in Israel, a brief survey was...
KC Resource
Teaching and Learning
Purim resources that can be adapted for your school's needs. Purim Sameach
Join the 8th annual Senior Development Professionals Retreat hosted at Golda Och Academy in West Orange, New Jersey.
When speaking with donors about their most meaningful gifts, there is almost always a comment that increased giving is directly related to increased engagement. This three-part series workshop will navigate the difference...
What does it take to build a school from scratch? Especially a school as sophisticated as a Jewish day school.
During this interactive one hour webinar with Prizmah experts Odelia Epstein, Director of Data, Knowledge, and Research, and Traci Reisberg, Director of Prizmah School Services and Catalyzing Resources, learn how to navigate...
During this interactive one hour webinar with Prizmah experts Odelia Epstein, Director of Data, Knowledge, and Research, and Beth Rivkind, Director, Enrollment Growth, learn how to navigate DASL and leverage the data you have...
During this interactive one-hour webinar, learn how to navigate DASL and leverage the data you have already collected to support your school. Answer big questions like “What percentage of the budget do schools generally...
Engage in high-level learning and collaboration around mental health challenges and opportunities in Jewish day schools and yeshivas. This year’s theme is “In The Moment: Navigating Difficult Times With Dignity, Empathy, and...
KC Resource
School Policies and Procedures, Teaching and Learning

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