Elizabeth Abel

Elizabeth Abel

Elizabeth Abel is a thought leader in Jewish philanthropy and expert in nonprofit fundraising. She has led capital campaigns and development initiatives that have collectively raised nearly one billion dollars for Jewish, education, arts and culture, healthcare, and advocacy organizations. Since joining CCS in 2013, Elizabeth has partnered with institutions to plan and implement large-scale fundraising campaigns with revenue goals ranging from $5 million to over $1 billion. In this role, she provides counsel on strategic planning, major gifts fundraising, and board engagement. Elizabeth has also directed feasibility and campaign planning studies, served in interim development roles, and managed annual campaigns and special fundraising events.


Beyond her work at CCS and for the past six years, Elizabeth has taught a philanthropy course at the University of Pennsylvania to graduate students in the Nonprofit Leadership Program. She serves on the School of Social Policy and Practice (SP2) Dean’s Alumni Advisory Board, and in 2020, she was inducted into the SP2 Alumni Hall of Fame for her work with mission-driven organizations. Elizabeth has received industry recognition for her commitment to the nonprofit sector: in 2024, she was recognized by the New York Jewish Week in their annual “36 to Watch” as a “thought leader in Jewish philanthropy;” and in 2022, BELLA Magazine recognized Elizabeth as a “Woman of Influence in Philanthropy.” Elizabeth holds a Masters in Nonprofit Leadership from the University of Pennsylvania and a Bachelor of Arts from Tufts University. Elizabeth resides in New York with her husband and their two daughters.