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Teaching and Learning
Shavuot resources curated for school professionals.
KC Resource
Teaching and Learning
Blog Article
Teaching and Learning
While looking into various graduate school options, I learned a lot about the difference between PhD and EdD programs, including the difference between a producer and a consumer when it comes to educational goals. EdD...
Article Title

Assignments that Count: Goals and Assessment of Summer Work

HaYidion Article
Teaching and Learning
Summer work In the Jewish high school I attended, each year there was one book assigned for our summer homework. Some of us would read it, some relied on Cliffs Notes, and others would try to wing it. Now that I have become a...
Article Title

Build Them, Don’t Buy Them: Cultivating Excellence in Novice Teachers

HaYidion Article
Teaching and Learning
As school leaders, one of our primary responsibilities is making sure we have well-trained, talented teachers in our classrooms. The challenge of finding quality teachers, especially for school leaders in areas that don’t...
KC Resource
Prizmah Thought Leadership, Professional Leadership, School Policies and Procedures, Teaching and Learning
A teacher pipeline issue is emerging, not only in the world at large, but in the yeshiva and Jewish day school field. School and field leaders are struggling with recruiting, training and retaining talented educators. As a...
Blog Article
Prizmah Thought Leadership, Professional Leadership, School Policies and Procedures, Teaching and Learning
At Prizmah’s Head of School Retreat earlier this spring, consistent with all we have heard since the pandemic, school leaders unanimously voiced their most pressing need: “More teachers,” we heard from schools across North...
Article Title

Bringing Talmud Study to Life: Inspiration, Authenticity and Torah Lishmah

HaYidion Article
Teaching and Learning
At the Fuchs Mizrachi School in Cleveland, our annual high school retreat is one of the highlights of the school year. In addition to the community building that comes through bonding and fun activities, spending an extended...
Article Title

Implementing Design Thinking in Partnership with a University

HaYidion Article
Teaching and Learning
In 2015, our school wanted to breathe new life into our traditional curriculum. With a change in leadership came new expertise, first in project-based learning (PBL) and second in design thinking, methods which gave birth to...
KC Resource
Teaching and Learning
This page contains educational resources to help schools, teachers, families and communities learn about, explore and enrich their Pesach (Passover).