Yom HaShoah | Yom HaShoah is observed this year on May 5th and May 6th, 2024.
- Curricular materials focused on Holocaust education from Facing History.
- Video education toolbox from Yad Vashem and survivor testimony recordings
- Remembrance day activities for educators from the US Holocaust Memorial Museum
- Yom Hashoah lesson plans, resources and activities from the Lookstein Center
- Holocasut Remembrance Day resources from the American Library Association
- Zikaron BeSalon
Yom HaZikaron| This year Yom HaZikaron takes place on May 12th and May 13, 2024.
- Israel’s Ministry for Diaspora Affairs and Combating Antisemitism, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the World Zionist Organization, and the Ruderman Family Foundation have launched together a new initiative – “Remembering Together – זוכרים ביחד” – calling on world Jewry to unite in commemoration of the fallen IDF soldiers and victims of terrorism worldwide. These partners have created a website that provides vast content, texts, prayers, photos, videos, and relevant information about the Memorial Day, including stories of the victims, a hybrid ceremony that was recorded in advance and can be used, and more.
- The WZO and Israeli Ministry of Defense are promoting memorial ceremonies in Jewish communities worldwide. In this framework, content, prayers, reading material, personal stories and songs will be collected and distributed through one link, to allow the ceremonies to be held according to the needs and choices of each community.
- The Heroes of October 7th,a 22 minuted yom HaZikaron video from unpacked.
- Songs of Hope with educational guide developed by Beit Avi Chai
- Lesson plans, resources, videos and songs from the Lookstein Center
- Yom Hazikaron & Yom Haa'tzmaut resources from the ICenter.
- Yom HaZikaron resources and articles from the OU.
- Rabbi Sacks thoughts on Yom HaZikaron
Yom Haatzma’ut | This year Yom Haatzma'ut is celebrated on May 13th and May 14, 2024.
- Between Hope and Despair is a page of resources including art, music, thought pieces curated by the iCenter for this year's Yoms.
- Unpacked free (for a limited time) films for Yom Hashoah, Yom HaZikaron, and Yom Haatizma'ut.
- Lesson plans, resources, videos and songs from the Lookstein Center
- Virutal tour of Israel's Independence Hall
- Educator resources for all K-12 students from Behrman House
- Israel Story is an "award-winning podcast that tells extraordinary tales about ordinary Israelis."
- WZO has resources on the day’s history, meaning, literature, songs, and activities
- Jewish Interactive has a series on Israel, with videos, games, and creative activities.
- Toldot Israel is documenting Israel's 1948 generation.
- PJ Library Yom HaAtzma’ut for Kids
- OU Services: Yom HaAtzma’ut programming ideas
- Bimbam has produced an informative primer video for Yom HaAtzma’ut.
- The Leffell School has produced a Spotify playlist of music called Israel kids music.
- Yom Ha’atzma’ut messages to students in Jewish Day Schools from Israel's President Rivlin, Rabbi Lau, Isaac Herzog, Minister Hotovely, and Netta Barzilai