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Blog Article
Teaching and Learning, School Policies and Procedures
By Lianne Forman As an educator, you are on the “front lines” and act as one of the most critical sources of connection and emotional support for your students. School staff are charged with nurturing relationships with...
Blog Article
Teaching and Learning, School Policies and Procedures
With a desire for both continuity and creativity amidst the current backdrop of uncertainty, Jewish early childhood educators and leaders have encountered extraordinary “silver linings” in their work with children and...
Blog Article
Enrollment, School Policies and Procedures
Every year at SAR High School, we choose a theme for the year, which shapes programming and informal learning that takes place all year long, including our Beit Midrash program curriculum, sessions at shabbatonim and even...
Blog Article
Enrollment, School Policies and Procedures
By Lisa Feingold, Susan J. Levine, Rachel Zivic When Covid-19 fully reared its ugly head in March, we wondered if our small Jewish day school, Kellman Brown Academy, would even survive. With a student body of 116 children...
Blog Article
Teaching and Learning, School Policies and Procedures
As we reach the seven-month mark of the Covid-19 shutdown, schools have been forced to think creatively. Looking at the fundamental elements of minyanim in school, there are a variety of ways to educate, inspire and help our...
Blog Article
Teaching and Learning, School Policies and Procedures, Mental Health
So I am supposed to teach the students in front of me, in my physical room, for six hours in my mask and behind a screen, and also, concurrently, on Zoom, and also the ones in other time zones and also make an asynchronous...
Blog Article
School Policies and Procedures
Upside down. That’s how our world feels now. When so many of us left our school buildings in March, it is was Purim, the joyous holiday when all the bad was turned on its head and became good, when the hidden hand of G-d...
Blog Article
Human Resources, School Policies and Procedures
By Dr. Rona Novick, Dr. Oshra Cohen and Dr. Bin Goldman They calm frazzled nerves, prevent high risk behavior, teach mindfulness, connect with parents, support teachers’ efforts, help those in pain, build students’ social...
Blog Article
Teaching and Learning, School Policies and Procedures, Mental Health
There has been much focus in the past weeks on the importance of SEL, social emotional learning, to ease our children back to school and to support them during this pandemic. Many schools that did not previously have an SEL...
Blog Article
Governance, School Policies and Procedures
By Lise Applebaum It all started with the fires. Last fall, Los Angeles was ablaze with fires spreading perilously close to Milken Community School. We had lived versions of this scenario before; however, this time it was...