Mental Health: Clubs, Organizations, and Speakers Bureau
Teen Mental Health Club Playbook
The Teen Mental Health Club Playbook, is a resource that will walk you through the process of starting your own student-led mental health awareness club at your Jewish day school. This playbook contains step-by-step guidance in addition to information about teen-specific mental health programming and national organizations with which your club can partner (and that provide funding). Using the peer-to-peer club model, we can reduce stigma, empower teen leadership and provide accurate information to the student body about mental health.
List of Mental Health Organizations
These organizations often provide speakers, workshops and other resources that you may want to bring to your school- or to your student-led mental health club.
Speakers Bureau
This resource is a speakers bureau on mental health and related topics. These individuals have been recommended by schools who have had them present. A member of this list may be someone you want to bring to your school- or to your student-led mental health club.