Hebrew Instruction: Full Time Equivalents Report

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To support field leaders, we conduct original research, gather and share data, report on Jewish day school trends, and partner with organizations to further important research in Jewish day school education. Through Prizmah’s partnership with the National Association for Independent Schools (NAIS), the following data was collected in Data and Analysis for School Leadership (DASL), NAIS’ data collection and reporting tool.

Key Findings

  • The total number of Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) that have Hebrew teaching duties was reported by 66 schools. An FTE is a unit of measurement that indicates the workload of an employed person.
  • The average number of FTE’s increases by enrollment size and levels off at somewhere between 500 and 651 students. Schools with enrollment under 150 staff on average 1.7 FTEs with Hebrew instruction duties while schools with enrollment over 651 students on average staff 9 FTEs with Hebrew instruction duties.