Knowledge Center Search

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KC Resource
Professional Leadership, Research, Teaching and Learning
Prizmah and authors Alex Pomson and Jack Wertheimer through their exploration of nine day school communities, identifying key characteristics that make schools and their leaders successful. The book is the anecdotal evidence...
KC Resource
Prizmah Thought Leadership, Professional Leadership, Research, Teaching and Learning
Now that Covid is waning and classrooms feel close to the old normal, what have we learned from two years of online and hybrid pedagogy? Despite the challenges and drawbacks, are there things that remote learning enabled that...
KC Resource
Teaching and Learning, Mental Health
As you prepare to speak with your faculty, students, and community about today’s realities, Prizmah: Center for Jewish Day Schools offers you the following curated resources to help with those conversations.
KC Resource
Prizmah Thought Leadership, Professional Leadership, Research, Teaching and Learning
Alex Pomson and Jack Wertheimer, authors of the recent book Inside Jewish Day Schools: Leadership, Learning and Community, speak with two school leaders featured in the book, Erica Rothblum and Ami Neuman, about the stories...
KC Resource
Human Resources, Professional Leadership, School Policies and Procedures
Leading Edge has developed a guide that contains six practical steps to CEO performance evaluation.
KC Resource
Professional Leadership, Teaching and Learning
Building on the medical residency model, the Shefa Teacher Residency provides aspiring teachers with an alternative pathway that is grounded in deep clinical training and intensive on-site mentoring and support. Learn about...
KC Resource
Professional Leadership, Teaching and Learning
What are Jewish schools doing to ensure that professional development is excellent and a top school priority? This conversation starts from CASJE's recent study Career Trajectories of Jewish Educators and engages four day...
KC Resource
Professional Leadership
Two directors of institutional advancement, Mandi Miller of Beth Tfiloh Dahan in Baltimore and Stephanie Bash-Soudry of Golda Och Academy in West Orange, New Jersey, delve into the nature of their role. They talk about the...
KC Resource
Prizmah Thought Leadership, Professional Leadership, Research, Teaching and Learning
The Jewish school is positioned at the nexus of the individual, the family and the community, bringing to light the opportunities and challenges of being a committed Jew in the modern world. The school can become a center for...
KC Resource
Enrollment, Research
Prizmah’s enrollment pulse survey shows Jewish day school and yeshiva enrollment trends across the United States and Canada, from the school year starting Fall 2019, until this school year. It covers the initial impact of...