In 2024, the festival of Shavuot takes place on June 11 - June 13. The following resources are curated for Jewish day school professionals.
- Shavout resource collection curated by the Jewish Education Project.
- Educational resources on shavout from the Lookstein Center
- Jewish Interactive has launched its newest Ji Bytes series on Shavuot, with multimedia resources and hands-on activities for children ages 6 to 11.
- YU Torah and Yeshivat Har Etzion, Virtual Beit Midrash- audio and video classses on Shavout.
- Dowload Hadar's latest Shavuot Reader.
- Pedagogy of Partnership has "A Hevruta Text Study for Shavuot."
- The Chagim Center of the WZO presents a trove of material on Shavuot, including sources, songs, activities, and stories from Zionist history.
- Pardes Center for Jewish Educators Shavuot Companion.
- Chabad’s Shavuot pages include children’s videos, stories, arts & crafts and recipes.
- PJ Library has curated a selection of articles, videos and even a Pinterest page with paper-cutting crafts.
- Among teachings at Hadar include Avi Killip’s “Baking for God: Shavuot as a Holiday of Transformation.”
- AJWS includes study sheets on the connections between Ruth, hunger and food aid.
- At Ayeka, Zvi Hirschfield reflects on the qualities required to receive the Torah.
- Aish gives ample resources for the holiday, including a video about Torah as the “Ultimate Love Letter.”
- Rabbi Jonathan Sacks Shavuot message.