Jewish Day School Educator Pipeline Report and Playbook

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Jewish Day School Educator Pipeline

A teacher pipeline issue continues to grow, not only in the world at large, but in the yeshiva and Jewish day school field. School and field leaders are struggling with recruiting, training and retaining talented educators. As a response, Prizmah and the Jewish Education Innovation Challenge (JEIC) created the Jewish Day School Educator Pipeline Working Group to investigate current and previous initiatives, explore new ideas, and plan for the future.

We are delighted to share two deliverables that emerged from that process. The first is a Summary Report that details our step-by-step journey, what we learned, and what surfaced from each session of the working group. The second is a series of 36 new ideas and thinking that has the potential to advance the pipeline of Jewish day school educators. The JDS Educator Pipeline Playbook outlines these innovative and creative initiatives that emerged from the Working Group. Prizmah CEO Paul Bernstein gives context on the broader educator pipeline issue in this blog.

Our aim is that these resources are used to begin conversations in schools, communities, and throughout North America, galvanizing partnerships, inspiring funders and school and community leaders to seed new initiatives to advance the pipeline of Jewish day school and yeshiva educators.

We are thankful for the wisdom and commitment of the working group, appreciative of our partnership with JEIC, and extend our gratitude to the Mayberg Foundation, Melissa Kushner and Jeremy Kaplan, and Evelyn and Dr. Shmuel Katz for making these resources possible.