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David Fain
Rabbi David Fain is Rav Beit HaSefer at Hillel Day School of Metropolitan Detroit. He is a graduate of Prizmah’s YOU Lead program and a musmach of Yeshivat Chovevei Torah.
Blog Articles
School Policies and Procedures
As we again approach the holiday of Purim, all I can think about is Venahafoch hu, it was turned upside down. Last
Hayidion Articles
Incorporating Morim Shlichim Into Day Schools: A Framework for Success
David Fain
Darin Katz
/ Issue:
HaYidion Article
Role-Playing Between Accuracy and Creativity
David Fain
/ Issue:
HaYidion Article
While acknowledging the benefits of role-playing developing student historical empathy, the author confronts challenges that this activity poses to the transmission of