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We upgraded our member portal on October 18th. Please reset your password the first time you log into your account.

Ilana Dvorin Friedman

Ilana Dvorin Friedman Headshot

Ilana is a child development consultant, researcher and instructor based in Chicago. She teaches at a variety of academic institutions, including Erikson Institute, American Jewish University, and The Blitstein Institute, a member of the Touro College and University System. Ilana is passionate about anti-bias early childhood education, giving voice to educators’ experiences, and designing and implementing professional development opportunities for early childhood professionals. Ilana’s work focuses on the interplay between culture and child development and the roles of social justice and inquiry in early childhood Jewish education.

Blog Articles

Action Research and Group Reflection in Early Childhood Jewish Education

Blog Article
Teaching and Learning
Early childhood Jewish education classrooms are bubbling with exploration and learning—and not just the children. Within everyday practice, educators use their curiosity

The Impact of Pandemic Practices on Early Childhood Education

Blog Article
Teaching and Learning