Race and School Culture Additional Resources

Success vs. Failure School Initiatives

Use this diagnostic tool, provided by Nishant Mehta, to understand when school initiatives are likely to succeed and when they’re likely to receive pushback. This frame also supports you in diagnosing challenges you may encounter in the midst of a culture change process.

Capture the Opportunity

Steps to Redesign School-Level Systems for Equity
Use this framework, designed by Educational Elements, to consider how to harness the disruption that COVID has provided and further redesign our systems to support anti-racist schools. It focuses on redesign and change at the school-level – equitable redesign within our locus of control and influence. This guide and digital workbook provides school leaders with a tactical process to revamp systems, whether virtual or in person, within their control, embracing the lens of equity.

Talking to Students about George Floyd and Racism

Curated list of resources to use in speaking with children about racism