Prizmah Podcast Live - The Tikkun Project: Living Out Our Mission

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Daniel Abramson, Eric Petersiel
Educational Administrators / Directors of Teaching and Learning, Heads of School, Judaic Studies Professionals, Principals
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School mission statements articulate a hope that through our educational programs, students will gain the knowledge, skills and inclinations needed to make positive change. By putting Tikkun Olam at the core of K-8 programs, we can help students learn to connect their actions to Jewish values. Learn how and why the Tikkun Project at Toronto’s Leo Baeck Day School came to be and hear examples of the powerful learning that emerges when students think critically about themselves and their responsibilities to the world around them.


Daniel Abramson
Director of Tikkun Project

Daniel serves as the curriculum development director for the Tikkun Project at The Leo Baeck Day School, where he mentors teachers in the implementation and evaluation of social justice education anchored in Jewish values, texts and tradition. Daniel has been a teacher to students and young adults in classrooms, summer camps and communities across North America. He has published articles about best pedagogical practices in science, visual art, and environmental education and has experience creating, improving and assessing curricula. Daniel earned his master’s degree in education at The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto.

Head of School

Eric is the head of school at The Leo Baeck Day School in Toronto since 2009. He joined the school in 2001 as vice principal of Hebrew and Judaic studies, and the following year he was appointed South Campus principal. Eric earned his bachelor of arts degree from McGill University in Jewish studies and philosophy. He earned his bachelor of education in history and English and a master’s degree in Biblical Hebrew language and literature from the University of Toronto. Eric holds the title Reform Jewish Educator (RJE) and in 2021 was recognized with the Canadian Accredited Independent Schools (CAIS) Art of Leadership Award.