Knowledge Center Search

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KC Resource
Prizmah Thought Leadership, Professional Leadership, Research, Teaching and Learning
School mission statements articulate a hope that through our educational programs, help students gain the knowledge, skills and inclinations needed to make positive change. By putting Tikkun Olam at the core of K-8 programs...
KC Resource
Prizmah Thought Leadership, Professional Leadership, Research, Teaching and Learning
Where does Jewish history live in your curriculum, culture, and approach to education at your school? Jewish history is central to Jewish education, and can be a locus of meaning, authority, and knowledge for all Jewish day...
KC Resource
Prizmah Thought Leadership, Professional Leadership, Research, Teaching and Learning
Learn how a leadership team structure that is aligned with institutional values has the capacity to effect impactful and sustained change within a school environment. Explore the process by which the organizational structure...
KC Resource
Prizmah Thought Leadership, Professional Leadership, Research, Teaching and Learning
How can Jewish schools ensure that their graduates go on to be stewards of democracy? And how can Jewish educators teach students to connect Jewish ethics to the practices of citizenship? The Brandeis School of San Francisco...
KC Resource
Prizmah Thought Leadership, Professional Leadership, Research, Teaching and Learning
How do students internalize and act out gender narratives in their relationships to their school, to different subjects, to their teachers and other students? How do teachers sometimes reinforce gender roles in the classroom...
KC Resource
Affordability, Finance & Budget, Fundraising & Development, Research
What percentage of budget do schools generally receive from tuition? What's a normal attrition rate? Data and Analysis for School Leadership (DASL) is a data collection and reporting tool designed to give school leaders...
KC Resource
Prizmah Thought Leadership, Professional Leadership, Research, Teaching and Learning
Now that Covid is waning and classrooms feel close to the old normal, what have we learned from two years of online and hybrid pedagogy? Despite the challenges and drawbacks, are there things that remote learning enabled that...
KC Resource
Professional Leadership, Research, Teaching and Learning
Prizmah and authors Alex Pomson and Jack Wertheimer through their exploration of nine day school communities, identifying key characteristics that make schools and their leaders successful. The book is the anecdotal evidence...
KC Resource
Prizmah Thought Leadership, Professional Leadership, Research, Teaching and Learning
Now that Covid is waning and classrooms feel close to the old normal, what have we learned from two years of online and hybrid pedagogy? Despite the challenges and drawbacks, are there things that remote learning enabled that...
KC Resource
Prizmah Thought Leadership, Professional Leadership, Research, Teaching and Learning
Alex Pomson and Jack Wertheimer, authors of the recent book Inside Jewish Day Schools: Leadership, Learning and Community, speak with two school leaders featured in the book, Erica Rothblum and Ami Neuman, about the stories...