Knowledge Center Search

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KC Resource
Prizmah Thought Leadership, Professional Leadership
How have our educators been impacted by, and adapted to, the horrific attacks against Israel that took place on October 7 and the ensuing war in Gaza? The starting point for this conversation is the study "Responding to This...
KC Resource
Mental Health
Mental Health Resources Shared During the Mental Health Summit 2024
KC Resource
Professional Leadership, Teaching and Learning
What does it take to build a school from scratch? Especially a school as sophisticated as a Jewish day school. In this podcast, we sit down with Rabbi Dr. Gil Perl, who throughout his career has taken three schools from...
KC Resource
Prizmah Thought Leadership, Professional Leadership
Four heads of school from the Bay Area talk about a mission they took together to Israel during the current war. They depict what it's like in their schools during this time, with heightened antisemitism and anti-Israel...
KC Resource
Professional Leadership, Teaching and Learning
Learn about The Milken Way, a unique set of ideas and values that guides how Milken Community School, one of the largest Jewish day schools in North America, operates and thinks about customer service.
KC Resource
Prizmah Thought Leadership, Professional Leadership, Research, Teaching and Learning
School mission statements articulate a hope that through our educational programs, help students gain the knowledge, skills and inclinations needed to make positive change. By putting Tikkun Olam at the core of K-8 programs...
KC Resource
Teaching and Learning
As you prepare to speak with your faculty, students and community about violence in Israel, Prizmah has curated a list of resources to help students process tragedy when terrorism occurs and classroom resources about Israel...
KC Resource
Prizmah Thought Leadership, Teaching and Learning
Listen to a far-ranging podcast and expand your understanding of what Jewish arts education is and can be. Explore how one teacher sets up an artists beit midrash, and how students go about creating art from tefillah. Hear...
KC Resource
Prizmah Thought Leadership, Professional Leadership, Research, Teaching and Learning
Where does Jewish history live in your curriculum, culture, and approach to education at your school? Jewish history is central to Jewish education, and can be a locus of meaning, authority, and knowledge for all Jewish day...
KC Resource
Prizmah Thought Leadership, Teaching and Learning
Learn about the vital, sophisticated work of Reggio-inspired Jewish early childhood educators from two day school administrators and a field leader who is also the author of a recent dissertation. The conversation ranges from...