Rabbi Adina Allen

Adina Allen Headshot

Rabbi Adina is a spiritual leader, writer and educator who believes in the power of creativity to revitalize our lives and transform Jewish tradition. Adina is co-founder and creative director of Jewish Studio Project (JSP), a nationally recognized Jewish learning organization that cultivates creativity as a Jewish practice for spiritual connection and social transformation. Integrating a lifetime of experience in the expressive arts with her rabbinic training, Adina created JSP’s unique learning methodology which she has brought to clergy, educators, activists and lay leaders in hundreds of Jewish communal institutions across the country. She is a recipient of the Covenant Foundation’s 2018 Pomegranate Prize for emerging Jewish Educators and was a fellow of the Open Dor Project for spiritual Jewish

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Creativity at the Core of Jewish Education

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We are living at a time of great challenge and change. This is evident every time we open a newspaper. We see