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Leslie Sidell
Leslie Sidell has a passion for non-profit leadership. She has served in numerous national and local not-for-profit leadership roles for the past 25 years. Leslie is currently a member of The Rose Foundation’s Jewish Life committee. She is the immediate past chair of the board of trustees of Denver Jewish Day School and the past treasurer of the national board of Sharsheret. Leslie has served as chair of the Colorado Agency for Jewish Education, on the Jewish Community Foundation boards, and scores of committees at JEWISHColorado. Leslie has held national leadership positions in Jewish Federations of North America National Women’s Philanthropy, including co-chairing the International Lion of Judah Conference. She is an alumnus of JFNA’s National Young Leadership Cabinet and a graduate of the Wexner Heritage Program. She received her MBA from the University of Denver after graduating from Boston University. Leslie was vice president of Colorado Chemical Company. She is a 4th generation Colorado native who is married to Mark Sidell. They have two daughters Leah & Hannah Sidell.