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Prizmah Conference Archive

The Prizmah Conference is the biennial gathering place of the Jewish day school and yeshiva network. The Conference offers unparalleled learning and networking, where field leaders explore leading practices, connect, and ideate together.

Prizmah Conference 2025

Prizmah Conference 2025

February 2-4, 2025 / 4-6 Shevat, 5785
Boston, Massachusetts

Looking forward…

Past Conferences

Prizmah Conference 2023

Denver, CO


Prizmah Conference 2023

The Prizmah Conference 2023 theme was Creative Spirit. Over the course of three days, participants celebrated the spirit of creativity, explored innovative ideas, and fostered relationships, to develop imaginative approaches that will have an impact on our schools, our students, and our communities, and shape the future of Jewish education. More than 1,000 attendees from across North America gathered in Denver for more than 150+ interactive sessions to further foster excellence, affordability and innovation in Jewish day schools.


Conference Highlights


“At Prizmah, we believe that day schools and yeshivas are inherently creative places, both in the imaginative, inspirational day to day work, but also in the sense that day schools are creating the leaders and thinkers of the Jewish future.” - Paul Bernstein, CEO of Prizmah


Key Moments

Lisa Kay Solomon, Louie Montoya, and Ariel Raz
Educational Futurists

Lisa Kay Solomon, Louie Montoya, and Ariel Raz from the Stanford d. School’s K12 futures team outlined the connection between Judaism and shared futures thinking methodologies for Jewish day school leaders. Participants took away tools and mindsets to adopt active posture toward the future of their school and community.



Rabbi Adina Allen, Yoshi Silverstein, Rabbi Raphael Zarum, and Elyssa Moss Rabinowitz
Creative Spirit - Perspectives on Torah and Creativity

Rabbi Adina Allen, Yoshi Silverstein, Rabbi Raphael Zarum, and Elyssa Moss Rabinowitz engaged with the creative spirit that drives us forward, recounting how creativity stems from the Torah, and propels leaders from across the spectrum of Jewish life to have an impact on the world.



Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar
The Science of Happiness

Happiness guru, Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar, joined the Prizmah Conference to share evidence-based approaches to increase the well-being of students, faculty and leadership in schools. His keynote address explored tools and techniques to improve creativity, innovation, engagement, productivity, and resilience in schools. 



Sessions Recap

Throughout the conference, participants had the opportunity to choose from hundreds of sessions designed to develop leadership capabilities, share leading practices, foster belonging, build connections, and meet the emergent needs of Jewish day school leaders.

Prizmah Conference 2019

Atlanta, GA

Prizmah Conference 2019, Dare to Dream

The Prizmah Conference 2019 theme was Dare to Dream. Over the course of three days, participants reflected on dreams for their school, students, and themselves as educators.


Key Moments

Prizmah Conference 2019, Dare to Dream
George Couros

George Couros, the author of The Innovator’s Mindset, opened the conference with a keynote address sharing stories from his time as a public school teacher and leader. His keynote speech was designed to inspire conference participants.

Prizmah Conference 2019, Dare to Dream
Eli Talks

This StorySlam featuring Dr. Erica Brown, Rabbi Michael Cohen, Jane Taubenfeld Cohen, Rebecca Lurie, and Rivkah Schack shared stories about dreams for the future of Jewish education.

Prizmah Conference 2017

Chicago, IL

Prizmah Conference 2017, The Power of Story

The inaugural Prizmah Conference, held in Chicago in 2017, hosted 1,000 Jewish day school leaders from across North America to gather for three days of innovative learning. The theme of the conference was The Power of Story, exploring how to craft, tell, listen, and respond to the powerful stories that emerge and impact and strengthen the field.


Key Moments

The Second City Experience

The Prizmah Conference opened with a renowned improv company leading a crash course in Yes, And. The focus was on discovering new ways to spark change in day schools.

Prizmah Conference 2017 Second City
Prizmah Conference 2017 Second City
Prizmah Conference 2017 Second City
Prizmah Conference 2017, Jane McGonigal

The Prizmah Conference ended with Jane McGonigal, a renowned game designer and author of The New York Times bestseller Reality is Broken”: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World. Her address described how insights regarding learning, thinking, and collaboration from the gaming world can be applied to real-world teaching and learning.