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2024-2025 Head of School base salary data from DASL compensation section. This information is based on data collected from 132 Jewish day schools and yeshivas based in the US and Canada.
Prizmah is dedicated to creating a strategic and systematic approach to research, data collection and knowledge sharing. We work to collect learning and insights from the field of Jewish day schools and yeshivas in order to...
Many leaders strive to strengthen their own school’s cultures of belonging. Prizmah has gone deep into the work of building and strengthening cultures of belonging in schools, focusing on the human, curricular, policy...
At the Yeshivah of Flatbush Joel Braverman High School, alumni make a difference every single day—as faculty. We are proud and blessed to be able to say that over 35% (45 out of 125) of our educational team are graduates of...
For most schools in Prizmah’s network, 2020-21 was a year of remarkable accomplishments in the face of unprecedented challenges. Following upon the Covid closures at the end of the previous school year, this was to be a year...