COVID 19 Back to School: Social Emotional & Mental Health Resources
Fostering and supporting positive mental health is one of the key objectives of our schools, for the students, staff and families. This key understanding has the power to not only save and enhance lives in the future, but also to alter the trajectory of Jewish day schools. If we harness this understanding and build our next steps based upon social-emotional best practices, then all of our students and families will benefit.
The resources we share here are designed to provide context for some of the current issues and insight into the support teachers and students need right now. We offer these concrete tools and resources as an aid to help navigate the current social/emotional and mental health needs of faculty and students.
Prizmah Resources
- Mental Health & Wellness Support in Schools: Administrators, Teachers, Students
- Mental Health & Wellness: Questions from School Leaders
- Mental Health Resources for 4-18 Year Olds a Prizmah curated list of resources geared toward school counselors.
- Supporting Children in the Face of Tragedy, a Prizmah curated list of resources to help students facing anti-semitism, school shootings, death of a community member and natural disasters.
- SEL Resources for Returning to School 2020 by Dr. Bin Goldman
Other Resources
Supporting Faculty & Staff
- Stress Management for Educators from Greater Good in Education
- What About You? Strategies for Supporting Educator Resilience and Trauma-Informed Self-Care [Webinar] from the Center on Great Teachers and Leaders
Understanding and Supporting Students
- Social-Emotional Learning Should Be Priority During COVID-19 Crisis from the National Education Association (2020, May 28)
- How has COVID-19 Affected Anxiety in School Children? An article and resources from online counseling programs.
- How to Teach Social-Emotional Learning When Students Aren't in School from EdWeek
- Recognizing Signs of Distress in our Children from Ohel
- Nurting Social-Emotional Learning Through Numbers: 3 Easy Ways to Support SEL in your Math Class from AASSA
Social Emotional Learning
- An Initial Guide to Leveraging the Power of Social Emotional Learning as you Prepare to Reopen and Renew your School Community by Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning
- SEL Checklist for Returning to School by CHAI Lifeline
- Reunite, Renew, and Thrive: Social and Emotional Learning Roadmap for Reopening School by Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning, July 2020
- Working with Students of Trauma: Presentation for Staff [PPT]. Lerner, S.
- School Reentry Considerations: Supporting Student Social and Emotional Learning and Mental and Behavioral Health Amidst COVID-19 from the National Association of School Psychologists (2020, May).
- Combining Social Justice, Diversity and Social Emotional Learning
- The Color of Our Emotions by Marc Brackett, Ph.D.
For School Counselors
- School Counseling During COVID-19 by the American School Counselor Association
- Virtual Elementary School Counseling by the American School Counselor Association
- Virtual High School Counseling by the American School Counselor Association
- The School Counselor and Trauma-Informed Practice by the American School Counselor Association
- The Development Relationships Framework from Search Institute