Articles on Making the Case for Jewish Day School
Looking to expand your repertoire of talking points for parents to choose day school? Articles here offer a range of arguments that speak to the head, heart and soul of prospective families.
Why Jewish Day School by Ziva Hassenfeld, 2022
Making the Case for Jewish Day Schools Now by Elliott Rabin, 2020
The Value of a Jewish Day School Education is Far Beyond Rubies by Sharon Freundel 2020
Send Your Child to a Jewish Day School by Alan Silverstein, 2019
Do Jewish day School students have an advantage? by Eddie Samuels, 2019
Ten Reasons to Send Your Student to a Jewish Day School by Jody Passanisi, 2019
The Promise of Day School Education: Cultural Virtuosity by Alex Pomson, 2019
The Case for Day Schools by Erica Brown, 2018
What is the Value of Jewish Day School? by HaYidion, 2018
Why Jewish Day School Education is Worth the Cost by Susan Jacobs Jablow, 2017
Seven Reasons to Send Your Kid to Jewish Day School by Iliana Glovinsky, 2017
Resources for a Conversation: Building Day Schools by, 2017
Are Day Schools Necessary? by Barbara Sheklin Davis, 2017
The ABCs of why to send your child to a Jewish day school by Rabbi Elchanon Poupko, 2017
The Independent and Jewish Day School Alumni Experience: What the Research Tells Us by Harry Bloom, 2016
Why some public school parents are switching to Jewish day schools by Uriel Heilman, 2015
Why My Kids Are Going Back to Jewish Day School by Rona Kaufman Kitchen, 2015
Opinion: The Case For Day Schools by Ediel Pinker, 2015
The Mishkan, The Chicago World's Fair and Jewish Day Schools by Elliott Rabin, 2014
Jewish Literacy Empowers Jewish Action by Marc Kramer, 2014
The case for Jewish day school by Rabbi Mitch Malkus, 2014
Beyond Continuity, Identity and Literacy: Making a Compelling Case for Jewish Day Schools to 21st Century American Jews by Daniel Lehmann, 2014
The Pew Study and Jewish Literacy by Elliott Rabin, 2013
Making the Case for Jewish Day School Edition HaYidion Spring 2008
Jewish Day School? by Sara Esther Crispe
Making the case for Day School education in the Reform Movement by Josh Elkin and Suzanne Kling
Day School for Reform Jews, Too by David Ellenson and Michael Zeldin, 2004
Studies in Renewal – The Secret of Continuity by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks Z"L, 1993
Studies in Renewal – Rethinking Priorities by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks Z"L, 1993
Studies in Renewal – From Jewish Continuity to Jewish Continuity by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks Z"L, 1993