Jewish Inspiration
From the CEO: Inspiring Each Other
From the Board: Inspiring Jewish Day Schools
Lessons from Pixar Studios: Staying Animated in Leadership
In the Issue: Jewish Inspiration
I lift up my eyes unto the mountains—from whence cometh my help? Psalm 121:1
The ancient Roman poets divided into two camps over the question of the proper method for writing poetry. A first group of poets, who called themselves water drinkers, claimed that good poems come from poets who work soberly to refine their craft and master poetic form, one word and verse at a time. Hard work is the only path to excellence. A second group, the self-proclaimed wine drinkers, rejected this method as hack...

Day schools aim to transmit a passion for Judaism to their students. Parents send their children to day school because they want them to cultivate a love of Judaism in all its dimensions. The articles in this issue explore the vital but elusive notion of Jewish inspiration from various angles. How do we define it, measure it, and recognize when we've achieved it? What does a school need to do to become a place that inspires students, faculty and all who work there? In what ways can schools undertake a process of change to improve in their work of inspiring students? And what do students and alumni tell us inspired them? Come to read, learn and be inspired for your work in Jewish education.
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Articles From This Issue