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Master Class: Post-Pandemic Fundraising

Registration Closed
Past Event
Rachel Cyrulnik, MPA
Development Professionals
Registration Closed

Welcome to the beginning of a new fiscal year!

You’ve reacted, adapted, and pivoted to a new normal. Now, your work transitions again and you must straddle remote and in-person activities, stewardship and new cultivation, retention and expansion.

With a focus on strengthening relationships with donors through attentive care, clear and open communication, considering diverse revenue streams, and strategic decision making, this master class will provide tangible guidance as you think beyond survival and focus towards growth.

Please contact Traci Stratford if you have any questions.




Rachel Cyrulnik, MPA
Cyrulnik, MPA

Rachel serves as principal at RAISE Nonprofit Advisors, where she helps nonprofits achieve measurable and strategic growth. With more than fifteen years of experience in nonprofit management, Rachel leads a team of experts in helping organizations increase revenue, strengthen governance, plan strategically and communicate powerfully.

Before she began her consulting career, Rachel spent a decade in leadership positions at Yeshiva University and UJA-Federation of New York. She established the funding model at the YU School Partnership and ran three community campaigns for UJA-Federation of New York, where she raised and stewarded millions of dollars in grants and private support from national foundations and individual donors.

Rachel is an expert in philanthropic trends, a frequent contributor in publications such as The Chronicle of Philanthropy and Nonprofit Pro, and a sought-after presenter in the nonprofit community. She serves on the advisory board of Nonprofit Pro and on the Professional Advancement Committee of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, NYC and is an Orthodox Leadership Project fellow. Rachel serves on the National Yachad Commission for Special Needs inclusions and was the first recipient of the Yachad Women’s Leadership Award.

Rachel graduated from Yeshiva University summa cum laude with a BA in Journalism and earned her MPA, with honors, from New York University, where she studied Nonprofit Management. Her interests include music, travel, and fitness.