Educational Excellence

At the core of Jewish day schools is your deep commitment to providing students and families with the highest quality educational experience. This happens when leadership and faculty are intentional in their approach to facilitating academic, religious/spiritual, and social-emotional development. Investing in the continuous pursuit of educational excellence results in positive outcomes for all stakeholders, and brings schools closer to actualizing the ultimate goals of success for all learners.



The Prizmah consulting team will partner with your school’s leadership team, including administrators and faculty leaders to provide professional learning experiences that build your school’s capacity to support teacher and systems growth. In addition to content, we focus on the role that leadership plays in advancing meaningful and lasting improvement in educational quality and outcomes.


Sample Offerings

The scope of work and pricing varies depending on your school’s specific needs.

  1. Judaic Studies Curriculum Mapping
    Define measurable learning outcomes for your Judaic studies curriculum, and identify where these goals are taught and assessed within and across subject areas and grade levels. We will guide your team through a process of recording, visualizing, and synthesizing how learning activities work together to reinforce student growth. Together we will determine areas of alignment and disconnect that emerge from the exercise, discuss how to involve teachers in curriculum mapping, and propose next steps for improving the quality of your Judaic studies program.

    Scope of Engagement: Typically 1-2 days; additional internal follow-up work will be required to complete a full curriculum map

    Estimated Cost: $1500 per day
    Recommended Stakeholders: Heads of school, principals, assistant principals, Judaic studies and Hebrew language department chairs, curriculum coordinators, and content/learning specialists
    Optional Add-Ons: Work on identified areas for growth that emerge from the mapping process

  2. Jewish Life and Learning Mapping
    Designed to be more global than curriculum mapping, this exercise will guide your team through a process of articulating goals around facilitating student development as engaged and committed Jews. We will examine both curricular and cocurricular activities that support these goals, as well as any gaps or misalignment. Together we will discuss ways to intentionally design a range of educational experiences that foster authentic Jewish connection, discuss how to involve teachers in this reflection process, and propose next steps for school growth.

    Scope of Engagement: Typically 1-2 days; additional internal follow-up work will be required to complete a full Jewish life and learning map

    Estimated Cost: $1500 per day
    Recommended Stakeholders: Heads of school, principals, assistant principals, Judaic studies and Hebrew language department chairs, student activities coordinators, and directors of Jewish life
    Optional Add-Ons: Work on identified areas for growth that emerge from the mapping process

  3. Designing Classrooms that Support All Learners
    Reflect on the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and how that can shape your school’s approach to proactively meeting the needs of diverse learners in the general education classroom. Prizmah experts will guide your team through a process of understanding how to design teaching and learning that incorporates research-based best practices. Together we will identify their schools strengths and needs, and collaboratively design an individualized plan for how to facilitate teacher growth in supporting all learners.

    Scope of Engagement: Typically 1-2 days of training for the leadership team, followed by 6-10 hours of follow-up learning and guidance.

    Estimated Cost: $1500 per day and $300 per hour of follow up
    Recommended Stakeholders: Principals, assistant principals, department chairs, curriculum coordinators, and content/learning specialists
    Optional Add-Ons: Direct work with faculty; training on specific teaching practices

  4. Growth Plan for Educational Support Services
    Identify areas of strength and growth for the educational support your school offers students beyond Tier 1. We partner with school leaders and educational support staff to identify multiple sources of data that will inform the process, including survey, interview, focus groups, classroom observation, and student assessment results. Our team collects, analyzes and interprets the data, and produces a comprehensive report with recommendations for moving forward.

    Scope of Engagement: Typically 2 days of data collection and pre/post communication with multiple stakeholders

    Estimated Cost: $5,000
    Recommended Stakeholders: Principals, assistant principals, director of educational support, learning specialists, classroom teachers, students, parents
    Optional Add-Ons: Work on identified areas for growth described in the report

  5. Supporting Mental Health in Jewish Day Schools Workshop Series
    This is a community based program where we engage with a local partner to bring a series of workshops to school counselors and other school affiliated mental health providers from area day schools. It is an opportunity to provide meaningful professional learning for school counselors that is tailored to the unique and multifaceted role they play in supporting the social-emotional development and mental health of students. We will collaborate to select a topic that is relevant to the participants and elevates the vital work they do across the community’s schools. 

    Workshop topics include: “Creating a suicidal safety plan for your school” and “Anxiety in the classroom: Supporting faculty and students in coping with anxiety”

    Scope of Engagement: Typically five to six 1-hour sessions

    Estimated Cost: $2500-$4000; determined in collaboration with the local partner
    Recommended Stakeholders: School counselors, social workers, and psychologists
    Optional Add-Ons: Coaching/consultation post workshops


In addition to these group learning opportunities, we offer coaching for faculty leaders.
We will work with you to create a customized coaching plan to meet the needs of faculty who serve in leadership roles outside of the traditional administrative structure, and who play a critical role in advancing educational excellence within your school.

Estimated Cost: Varies depending on need but starts at $250/session
Recommended Stakeholders: Department chairs, directors of educational support, curriculum coordinators, and content area specialists.


Contact Amy Wasser, Senior Director, Prizmah School Services to learn more.