Coaching and Consulting

Consulting services are designed to meet the unique needs of each school. With a deep respect for your school's culture and a thorough understanding of Jewish day schools and yeshivas, we are prepared to partner with you effectively and meaningfully.

Leadership Search

Leadership vacancies are opportunities to think creatively about your vision, reflect on what’s working, and identify opportunities for deeper engagement within the community that will position schools for future growth and success.

Work with a Prizmah expert to develop a timeline, leverage your search committee, and prepare a communications strategy—all with an eye toward recruiting and retaining top talent who align with your path forward. Our leadership search process is for school lay and professional leaders seeking a new head of school or senior leadership position.

Estimated Cost: $18,000 - $45,000
Recommended Stakeholders: Board of Trustees, Search Committee
Optional Add-Ons: Onboarding new head of school

Contact Amy Wasser, Senior Director, Prizmah School Services to learn more. 



Our accreditation process provides valuable, objective data that will help inform strategy in your school. The process follows national norms to ensure your school has the oversight it needs.

Our team takes you from initial steps of creating a year-long strategy, writing your self-study, conducting a full visit and submission of a final report. Our accreditations are for five years.

Comprehensive Accreditation / $20,000 plus travel for team members

  • A multi-day visit to your school with three Prizmah consultants who will conduct a full review of your school.
  • A comprehensive report detailing our findings.
  • Accreditation from Prizmah (or recommendations needed to gain accreditation).


Contact Amy Wasser, Senior Director, Prizmah School Services, for more information.

*For Canadian schools


Affordability is a cornerstone of accessibility in Jewish day school education. It directly impacts your school’s mission, enrollment, and financial health. Through school and community-based affordability initiatives, you can address families’ immediate financial concerns while making quality Jewish education accessible to more of your community. Empowering your Jewish day school community to tackle affordability challenges head-on has never been more achievable.


Our suite of consulting services empowers your school and/or community to navigate the complex landscape of tuition assistance and affordability. By partnering with us, you will invest in a strategic approach that ensures long-term sustainability and inclusivity.

Sample Offerings

The scope of work and pricing can be customized for your needs.

  1. How Tuition Assistance Impacts Your School’s Budget
    We will work with your school team to optimize your tuition assistance program, ensuring it aligns with your school’s mission while maximizing enrollment and long-term financial sustainability. We will conduct an in-depth analysis of your tuition assistance program and guide your school as you navigate important decisions. As partners, we will work with you to create a robust, equitable, and financially sound approach to tuition assistance that supports your school’s growth and success.

    Estimated Cost: $15K+
    Recommended Stakeholders: School professionals and lay leaders
    Optional Add-Ons:
    • Targeted marketing messages
    • Internal and external communication mapping and messaging
    • Tuition estimator calculator for your school’s website
  2. Facilitated Community Conversations on Affordability
    Through facilitated, dynamic, community-wide conversations that unite diverse stakeholders, we will help your community develop a shared understanding of affordability opportunities and strategies to ensure the long-term accessibility and sustainability of your Jewish day schools. Together, we will engage in meaningful dialogue and actionable outcomes that support your community and schools’ missions and financial future.

    Estimated Cost: $25K+
    Recommended Stakeholders: Federations and foundations, parents, educators, administrators, and lay leaders
    Optional Add-Ons:
    • Facilitated conversations with schools
    • Focus groups
  3. Jewish Communal Professional Program
    Implementing a Jewish communal professional program positions your school to strengthen community ties, increase enrollment, and support your local Jewish communal professionals, strengthening your community. This comprehensive and personalized approach includes scholarship data analysis, impact assessment, and tailored program design to advance your school’s mission and financial goals. We will deliver a tailored implementation plan along with timelines and message maps.

    Estimated Cost: $5K+
    Recommended Stakeholders: School professionals, lay leaders, and communal leaders
    Optional Add-Ons:
    • Targeted marketing messages
    • Internal and external communication mapping and messaging
    • Tuition estimator calculator for your school’s website


Contact Amy Wasser, Senior Director, Prizmah School Services to learn more.

Educational Excellence

At the core of Jewish day schools is your deep commitment to providing students and families with the highest quality educational experience. This happens when leadership and faculty are intentional in their approach to facilitating academic, religious/spiritual, and social-emotional development. Investing in the continuous pursuit of educational excellence results in positive outcomes for all stakeholders, and brings schools closer to actualizing the ultimate goals of success for all learners.


The Prizmah consulting team will partner with your school’s leadership team, including administrators and faculty leaders to provide professional learning experiences that build your school’s capacity to support teacher and systems growth. In addition to content, we focus on the role that leadership plays in advancing meaningful and lasting improvement in educational quality and outcomes.

Sample Offerings

The scope of work and pricing varies depending on your school’s specific needs.

  1. Judaic Studies Curriculum Mapping
    Define measurable learning outcomes for your Judaic studies curriculum, and identify where these goals are taught and assessed within and across subject areas and grade levels. We will guide your team through a process of recording, visualizing, and synthesizing how learning activities work together to reinforce student growth. Together we will determine areas of alignment and disconnect that emerge from the exercise, discuss how to involve teachers in curriculum mapping, and propose next steps for improving the quality of your Judaic studies program.

    Scope of Engagement: Typically 1-2 days; additional internal follow-up work will be required to complete a full curriculum map

    Estimated Cost: $1500 per day
    Recommended Stakeholders: Heads of school, principals, assistant principals, Judaic studies and Hebrew language department chairs, curriculum coordinators, and content/learning specialists
    Optional Add-Ons: Work on identified areas for growth that emerge from the mapping process
  2. Jewish Life and Learning Mapping
    Designed to be more global than curriculum mapping, this exercise will guide your team through a process of articulating goals around facilitating student development as engaged and committed Jews. We will examine both curricular and cocurricular activities that support these goals, as well as any gaps or misalignment. Together we will discuss ways to intentionally design a range of educational experiences that foster authentic Jewish connection, discuss how to involve teachers in this reflection process, and propose next steps for school growth.

    Scope of Engagement: Typically 1-2 days; additional internal follow-up work will be required to complete a full Jewish life and learning map

    Estimated Cost: $1500 per day
    Recommended Stakeholders: Heads of school, principals, assistant principals, Judaic studies and Hebrew language department chairs, student activities coordinators, and directors of Jewish life
    Optional Add-Ons: Work on identified areas for growth that emerge from the mapping process
  3. Designing Classrooms that Support All Learners
    Reflect on the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and how that can shape your school’s approach to proactively meeting the needs of diverse learners in the general education classroom. Prizmah experts will guide your team through a process of understanding how to design teaching and learning that incorporates research-based best practices. Together we will identify their schools strengths and needs, and collaboratively design an individualized plan for how to facilitate teacher growth in supporting all learners.

    Scope of Engagement: Typically 1-2 days of training for the leadership team, followed by 6-10 hours of follow-up learning and guidance.

    Estimated Cost: $1500 per day and $300 per hour of follow up
    Recommended Stakeholders: Principals, assistant principals, department chairs, curriculum coordinators, and content/learning specialists
    Optional Add-Ons: Direct work with faculty; training on specific teaching practices
  4. Growth Plan for Educational Support Services
    Identify areas of strength and growth for the educational support your school offers students beyond Tier 1. We partner with school leaders and educational support staff to identify multiple sources of data that will inform the process, including survey, interview, focus groups, classroom observation, and student assessment results. Our team collects, analyzes and interprets the data, and produces a comprehensive report with recommendations for moving forward.

    Scope of Engagement: Typically 2 days of data collection and pre/post communication with multiple stakeholders

    Estimated Cost: $5,000
    Recommended Stakeholders: Principals, assistant principals, director of educational support, learning specialists, classroom teachers, students, parents
    Optional Add-Ons: Work on identified areas for growth described in the report
  5. Supporting Mental Health in Jewish Day Schools Workshop Series
    This is a community based program where we engage with a local partner to bring a series of workshops to school counselors and other school affiliated mental health providers from area day schools. It is an opportunity to provide meaningful professional learning for school counselors that is tailored to the unique and multifaceted role they play in supporting the social-emotional development and mental health of students. We will collaborate to select a topic that is relevant to the participants and elevates the vital work they do across the community’s schools. 

    Workshop topics include: “Creating a suicidal safety plan for your school” and “Anxiety in the classroom: Supporting faculty and students in coping with anxiety”

    Scope of Engagement: Typically five to six 1-hour sessions

    Estimated Cost: $2500-$4000; determined in collaboration with the local partner
    Recommended Stakeholders: School counselors, social workers, and psychologists
    Optional Add-Ons: Coaching/consultation post workshops

In addition to these group learning opportunities, we offer coaching for faculty leaders.
We will work with you to create a customized coaching plan to meet the needs of faculty who serve in leadership roles outside of the traditional administrative structure, and who play a critical role in advancing educational excellence within your school.

Estimated Cost: Varies depending on need but starts at $250/session
Recommended Stakeholders: Department chairs, directors of educational support, curriculum coordinators, and content area specialists.


Contact Amy Wasser, Senior Director, Prizmah School Services to learn more.



Securing your Jewish day school’s financial future is not just a goal; it is necessary to ensure the continuity of quality Jewish education in your community for the future. Join a movement of forward-thinking Jewish day schools committed to long-term sustainability and excellence in education.

Prizmah’s Community Endowment Training Institute offers a unique, collaborative approach to building robust endowments. It combines expert guidance with peer learning to empower your school’s leadership. This customized program offers expert-led training, cohort-based learning, and office hours to provide support and guidance. It extends over three years to ensure your community has the tools to build a successful endowment program.

Our faculty includes members of the Prizmah team, local Federation resources, and a subject matter expert serving as a scholar-in-residence. During the three-year engagement period, participating schools will engage in quarterly online “deep dives” that allow for continued learning and peer sharing. Regular meet-ups, led by a scholar in residence and Prizmah experts, will provide a collaborative space for school teams to share challenges, seek advice, and celebrate successes.  Transform your endowment efforts and build a sustainable financial future.

Estimated Cost: Pricing varies by the number of schools participating, and packages start at $10,000. For more information, contact Dan Perla.
Recommended Stakeholders: Head of schools, board chairs, development professionals


Contact Amy Wasser, Senior Director, Prizmah School Services to learn more.


In today’s competitive educational landscape, a strategic and dynamic enrollment process is crucial for the growth and sustainability of your Jewish day school. By investing in your enrollment strategy, you are not just filling seats—but cultivating a thriving, diverse community that aligns with your school’s mission and ensures its long-term success in providing quality Jewish education.


Partner with us to enable your admission team to become proactive architects of your school’s future, transforming every interaction into an opportunity for community building and student retention.

Sample Offerings

The scope of work and pricing can be customized for your needs.

  1. Admission Coaching | Customer Experience
    We will work with you to create a customized coaching plan to meet your school’s unique enrollment needs. This engagement includes a comprehensive review of feedback and recommendations for your school’s admission process, a deep dive into structure and communication channels (both internal and external), and specific, actionable recommendations to streamline and improve your admission procedures. Additionally, we analyze your school’s retention plan through the lens of the admission team, offering insights to strengthen student retention.

    Estimated Cost: Package of 10 sessions (min) @ $250 p/h = $2,500
    Recommended Stakeholders: Admission professionals/team
  2. Data | Collections, Reporting & Analysis
    Let our expert team help transform your admission data into a strategic asset, driving informed decisions for your Jewish day school. We will begin by reviewing your current data collection and systems, evaluating for efficiency and effectiveness in supporting your admission goals. We will offer tailored recommendations to enhance your reporting to allow for data-driven decision-making. Our team will also help build customized reports for various constituencies, including administrators, board members, and faculty, ensuring each group receives the insights they need to support your school’s enrollment objectives.

    Estimated Cost: $5,000
    Recommended Stakeholders: Admission professionals/team
  3. Strategic Enrollment Planning
    Our team of experts will partner with you to develop SMART enrollment goals tailored to your school’s unique needs and vision. We will work with you to create an implementation calendar that seamlessly integrates admission, marketing, and development activities with your school’s calendar. We craft data-driven retention strategies to maximize student continuity and community engagement. Our holistic approach ensures your enrollment plan is not just a document but a living roadmap that guides your school toward sustainable growth and long-term success.

    Estimated Cost: $5,000
    Recommended Stakeholders: Admission Professionals/team


Contact Amy Wasser, Senior Director, Prizmah School Services to learn more.


Strong school governance is the backbone of a thriving Jewish day school, ensuring effective leadership and strategic decision-making. By investing in governance training, your school empowers its leaders and lays the foundation for long-term success and sustainability.


Our board training & retreat facilitation services provide your board members, whether new or seasoned, with the essential knowledge and tools to enhance their skills and effectiveness.


  1. Board Training & Retreat Facilitation
    Board training gives leaders the knowledge and support to enhance their skills and effectiveness. Schools that provide training and ongoing educational opportunities for their board of directors make an essential investment in their leadership and directly affect the success of their school.

    Prizmah will work with you to design and facilitate sessions and retreats that engage your board and offer guidance on leading practices. We offer both in-person and online engagements. We will also develop a tailored approach to provide your board with what they need to do their best work.

    Board engagement topics can include, but are not limited to:
    • Board roles and responsibilities
    • Committee structure and effectiveness
    • Board recruitment and succession planning
    • The board’s role in fundraising
    • Ambassadorship
    • Mission and vision
    • Understanding day school finances and budgets
    • Board self-assessment
    • Head support and evaluation

Estimated Cost: $2,500+
Recommended Stakeholders: Lay leaders

  1. Board Chair/Head of School Goal Alignment
    Healthy, safe, and respectful partnerships ensure thriving school environments. Our work on lay-head alignment will focus on the systems and structures that support strong lay-head partnerships and the cultural norms that lay a foundation for success. Through an intake process and two facilitated board chair-head of school sessions, you will learn concrete strategies to strengthen the capacity of your school’s leadership.

    Estimated Cost: $750+
    Recommended Stakeholders: Heads of school/board chairs


Contact Amy Wasser, Senior Director, Prizmah School Services to learn more.

Leadership Coaching and Development

Invest in leaders to advance your schools. Investments in your professional and lay leaders empower visionaries to transform their schools into vibrant centers of Jewish learning and community. Prizmah helps leaders gain new skills and knowledge to drive successes in their schools.


  1. Leadership Coaching
    Coaches have no agenda or curriculum to follow, so you drive the agenda to advance your goals and objectives. Grounded in a deep belief in the capacity and wisdom of individual leaders, coaches ask powerful questions and emphasize self-reflection to support your growth. Whatever your position and needs, Prizmah’s individualized coaching and proven methodology will help you navigate the complex, challenging, sometimes lonely world of day school leadership.

    Our leadership coaching takes on many forms—from bi-weekly coaching during the school year (10 months) to weekly year-round coaching and more. Most of our coaches and clients meet over the phone or on a video call; on site coaching visits are also an option. A fruitful coaching relationship is premised on good chemistry between a leader and coach. Critically, you select the coach from Prizmah’s cadre of coaches who best suits your needs and learning style. You hold the wisdom and set the agenda.

    We support you as much as you’d like through your coach selection process. Our diverse team will help you find the right coaching match based on need, experience, and personality.

    Leadership Coaching is for people in a variety of roles and career stages.
    • Coaching for school leaders can be ongoing through an entire school year.
    • Coaching for individuals transitioning to a new role in their school can be over a three-month period, designed for high impact.
    • Coaching for board chairs and heads of school to foster this critical relationship that significantly influences the school and community, using proven tools and supports to ensure they are equipped, as partners, to tackle whatever challenges they face.

Estimated Cost: $2,500 - $12,500, cost varies depending on frequency and length of session.
Recommended Stakeholders: School leaders, individuals transitioning roles, board chairs and heads of school

  1. Leadership Circle Profile
    Your internal way of processing information directly affects how you lead. When you shine a light on your underlying thinking patterns that drive your leadership behavior, you will be able to change how you lead—and sustain that change.

    Prizmah uses the Leadership Circle Profile™ (LCP), a best-in-class 360-degree leadership assessment, to help you understand this connection and determine immediate opportunities to further develop your leadership skills. Prizmah conducts the LCP with you discretely and then engages in a 90-minute debrief on the information revealed. Quickly and clearly identify which aspects of your leadership are working, which are not, and why.

    The LCP is the first 360-degree profile to connect a well-researched battery of competencies with the underlying and motivating habits of thought. Using a specially designed Profile Map, Prizmah conducts the LCP with you discretely. We then engage in the 90 minute debrief on the information revealed. Why? Ultimately, the LCP increases your inner awareness that affects outward behavior and maximizes your productivity.

    The Leadership Circle Profile benefits a school leader because it is:
    • More Revealing - the only leadership 360 assessment that connects patterns of behavior with habits of thought.
    • More Advanced - instantly reveals key opportunities for your leader’s development without reams of documentation.
    • More than Assessment - rich theoretical underpinnings of LCP provide a pathway to transformation.
    • More Efficient - Allows the coach to start at a breakthrough point with a leader rather than spend months trying to reach one.

Estimated Cost: $1,500+
Recommended Stakeholders: Leaders who have been in their roles at least two years or more and veteran leaders who want to identify opportunities to further develop their leadership skills.
Optional Add-Ons: Additional coaching sessions

  1. Immunity to Change Facilitation
    The “Immunity to Change” (ITC) process, a powerful framework developed by Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey, is designed to help individuals, teams, and organizations identify and overcome internal obstacles to achieve meaningful change. The Immunity to Change™approach is specifically designed to help individuals, work teams, and organizations make those personal and collective changes that are most important to them– but have proven resistant even to thoughtful plans and heartfelt intentions.

    Services typically involved in an ITC process
    • Initial Consultation: A preliminary meeting to understand the client’s goals, challenges, and context
    • Immunity Map Creation: Development of a personalized immunity map that visualizes the competing commitments and hidden assumptions preventing change.
    • One-on-One Coaching: Personalized coaching sessions to delve deeper into individual immunity maps and develop tailored action plans.
    • Action Planning: Assistance in creating realistic and actionable plans to implement desired changes

    Benefits of ITC Process
    • Enhanced Self-Awareness: Helps individuals and teams gain deeper insights into their behaviors and underlying beliefs.
    • Increased Adaptability: Builds the capacity to adapt to change and embrace new ways of working.
    • Improved Performance: Leads to more effective behaviors and strategies that enhance personal and organizational performance.
    • Sustainable Change: Creates lasting change by addressing root causes rather than just symptoms.

Estimated Cost: $500 for individuals. Customized options available for groups of individuals and teams.
Recommended Stakeholders: School leaders
Optional Add-Ons:  Coaching, facilitated group sessions to foster collective understanding and support among team members

  1. Leadership Team Retreats
    Effective leadership plays a pivotal role in shaping our schools. Every school’s leadership team is unique, with its own challenges, goals, and dynamics. Retreats are more than just events; they are catalysts for lasting change. Empower  your senior leadership team with the skills, insights, and mindset needed to navigate complex challenges. Pave the way for sustainable growth and innovation within your school community.

    Our team specializes in facilitating dynamic and purpose-driven retreats tailored 
    specifically for school senior leadership teams. Led by experienced facilitators with backgrounds in education and  leadership development, our retreats blend cutting-edge methodologies with proven strategies to foster meaningful dialogue, collaboration, and growth.

    Through a combination of workshops, interactive exercises, and reflective practices, we go beyond surface-level discussions to help participants gain clarity, build trust, and develop actionable strategies for success.

    Our Process:
    1. Consultation: We begin by understanding your school’s unique context, challenges, and goals through in-depth consultations with key stakeholders.
    2. Customization: Based on our assessment, we develop a tailored retreat agenda focused on addressing your specific objectives and priorities.
    3. Execution: Our skilled facilitators guide your leadership team through a series of engaging activities and discussions designed to foster collaboration, alignment, and actionable outcomes.
    4. Follow-Up: We believe that true transformation takes time. That’s why we offer post-retreat support and coaching to help sustain momentum and ensure continued progress.

Estimated Cost: From $2500- $7000+
Recommended Stakeholders: School leadership team


Contact Amy Wasser, Senior Director, Prizmah School Services to learn more.

Strategic Planning and School Assessments

In an ever-evolving educational landscape, a well-crafted strategy must take into account opportunities and strengths and enable you to meet your school’s goals so that you can continue to thrive. By engaging in this journey towards strategic decision-making, you’re not just planning for tomorrow–you are actively shaping the future of your school.


The Prizmah team will engage with your school’s stakeholders to identify needs and goals and help you plan for the future.


  1. Strategic Planning
    Strategic planning is a systematic process through which your school identifies, prioritizes, and commits to goals essential to fulfilling your mission. Our team will empower your school to articulate a clear vision, align resources with priorities, and create a sustainable growth and educational excellence roadmap. Through this process, your school will address four key questions: Where are we now? Where do we want to be in the future? What changes need to happen to get us where we want to be? And, most importantly, how do we make this happen?

    The Prizmah team will partner with your strategic planning committee to create a clear, concise plan that is compelling and operational for the school’s various stakeholders and will guide decision-making for five years.

    Estimated Cost: $25,000+
    Recommended Stakeholders: School professionals/lay leaders

  2. Strategic Assessments

    When you’re not quite ready to engage in a full strategic planning process, strategic assessments equip you with the data you need to make thoughtful and impactful decisions for your future.

    Through a strong partnership with your school’s leadership team, Prizmah will help determine the areas of focus, the questions you want to answer, and the data you need to align your priorities. After a series of in-person and online interviews, our expert team will provide you with a comprehensive report based on the criteria set out for the assessment.

    Estimated Cost: $6000+
    Recommended Stakeholders: School professionals/lay leaders


Contact Amy Wasser, Senior Director, Prizmah School Services to learn more.