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Paul is Prizmah’s founding Chief Executive Officer. Learn more about Paul here.

Tisha B’Av Message from Prizmah CEO


“Eichah,” the name and first word of the book of Lamentations that we read on Tisha B’Av, is one of the most laden of Hebrew words. While this word is often translated as “alas,” or “how,” it actually conveys so much more.  We say “eichah” and are saying “how can it be possible?” It is a word expressing shock and disbelief, used to describe a world turned upside down in ways previously unimaginable.

Writing on behalf of Jewish day schools and yeshivas at a time when the very future of the State of Israel may be threatened, I find that the word “eichah” captures my perspective in a frighteningly accurate way.  How can it be that the love of Zion that our schools have imbued in generations of children must now confront rampant hatred and violence? What new world is it where families are torn from their homes in terror or where broad swaths of peace-loving communities are displaced for months on end? Alas, how can we find hope in these darkest of times?

Tisha B’Av Message from Prizmah CEO

Our schools—along with the makeshift schools now being set up throughout Israel to accommodate families who have had to leave their homes--hold the answer. Children, almost by nature, resist dwelling in sorrow. Dostoyevsky famously wrote, “The soul is healed by being with children.” And so, our children bring us with them to the side of hope, where joy and playfulness is yet again heard, where the proverbial voices of bride and groom beckon us to a new future. May we learn from our children and season this time of fear and pain with hopefulness and wonder, with an exclamation not of disbelief but of unfettered optimism for a better tomorrow. So may it be God’s will. כן יהי רצון