
Affordability is a cornerstone of accessibility in Jewish day school education. It directly impacts your school’s mission, enrollment, and financial health. Through school and community-based affordability initiatives, you can address families’ immediate financial concerns while making quality Jewish education accessible to more of your community. Empowering your Jewish day school community to tackle affordability challenges head-on has never been more achievable.



Our suite of consulting services empowers your school and/or community to navigate the complex landscape of tuition assistance and affordability. By partnering with us, you will invest in a strategic approach that ensures long-term sustainability and inclusivity.


Sample Offerings

The scope of work and pricing can be customized for your needs.

  1. How Tuition Assistance Impacts Your School’s Budget
    We will work with your school team to optimize your tuition assistance program, ensuring it aligns with your school’s mission while maximizing enrollment and long-term financial sustainability. We will conduct an in-depth analysis of your tuition assistance program and guide your school as you navigate important decisions. As partners, we will work with you to create a robust, equitable, and financially sound approach to tuition assistance that supports your school’s growth and success.

    Estimated Cost: $15K+
    Recommended Stakeholders: School professionals and lay leaders
    Optional Add-Ons:
    • Targeted marketing messages
    • Internal and external communication mapping and messaging
    • Tuition estimator calculator for your school’s website

  2. Facilitated Community Conversations on Affordability
    Through facilitated, dynamic, community-wide conversations that unite diverse stakeholders, we will help your community develop a shared understanding of affordability opportunities and strategies to ensure the long-term accessibility and sustainability of your Jewish day schools. Together, we will engage in meaningful dialogue and actionable outcomes that support your community and schools’ missions and financial future.

    Estimated Cost: $25K+
    Recommended Stakeholders: Federations and foundations, parents, educators, administrators, and lay leaders
    Optional Add-Ons:
    • Facilitated conversations with schools
    • Focus groups

  3. Jewish Communal Professional Program
    Implementing a Jewish communal professional program positions your school to strengthen community ties, increase enrollment, and support your local Jewish communal professionals, strengthening your community. This comprehensive and personalized approach includes scholarship data analysis, impact assessment, and tailored program design to advance your school’s mission and financial goals. We will deliver a tailored implementation plan along with timelines and message maps.

    Estimated Cost: $5K+
    Recommended Stakeholders: School professionals, lay leaders, and communal leaders
    Optional Add-Ons:
    • Targeted marketing messages
    • Internal and external communication mapping and messaging
    • Tuition estimator calculator for your school’s website


Contact Amy Wasser, Senior Director, Prizmah School Services to learn more.